Journée Docs / Postdocs Labex 2022

PhD / Postdocs Labex day 2022

- 11 Octobre 2022 -

9.15-9.30           Welcome reception

9.30-9.45           Introduction by the LABEX ARBRE Director’s unit Stephane Uroz and the organizing team

9.45-10.30         Speed dating

10.30-10.45       Coffee break

10.45-12.45       Round table: What to do after a PhD/postdoc? With the participation of Flora Todesco (President and co-founder of WETRUF), Nicolas Bilot (Chargé de mission valorisation des Services Ecosystémiques), Emilie Joetjer (Chargée de Recherche INRAE Grand-Est Nancy) and Thibaud Sauvageon (Médiateur scientifique).

12.45-14.00       Lunch

14.00-14.45       Flash talks*

14.45-15.30       Poster session* + Coffee break

15.30-17.15       Regular talks*

17.15-17.30       Outro by the organizing team

17.45                 Bus departs INRAE

 *The schedule for flash talks, poster session and regular talks may vary according to final number of participants

